The Corozal Junior College was established in September of 1986 because of the great need for higher education in northern Belize. In order to provide post-secondary education, the institution was established under the umbrella of the Corozal Community College drawing faculty members from the existing high school and from community resources. CJC opened its doors under the administration of Mr. Rosendo Urbina having a total of 48 students enrolled in its first year. In May of 1988 CJC held its first graduation ceremony with a total of 18 graduates receiving associate degrees in either business studies, secretarial science or general studies. Later that year on the 31st of August the newly completed sixth form building, built under contract and sub/contract by the firms of R. Mahler, A. Chin and R. Hoare, was officially inaugurated and put into service. Since 1988, the institution has experienced significant growth and expansion in many different areas.
Establishment Of
Semptember 1986
First School Year
Semptember 1986
First Graduation
May 1988
Completion Of Sixth
Form Building
August 1988
Inauguration Of Sixth
Form Building
August 1988